Lynne Kenney, PsyD

Lynne Kenney

Lynne Kenney, PsyD, is a practicing pediatric psychologist and mother of two.

She has advanced fellowship training in forensic psychology and developmental pediatric psychology from Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School and Harbor-UCLA/UCLA Medical School.

Dr. Kenney speaks internationally about enhancing executive function, social and academic skills with motor movement. Recently named one of the Top 100 Docs to “Listen to” on Twitter, Dr. Kenney is featured in Parents, Parenting and People Magazines. Dr. Kenney has spoken with over 4000 parents and teachers in the past 20 years.

Combining her love for motor movement and brain development, Dr. Kenney’s newest endeavor, Play Math, is helping children ages 6-11 learn their math facts with playground balls and hula-hoops for better algebraic thinking. She lives in Arizona with her husband and children.

She is the author and co-author of:
