
We can ship to virtually any address in the world—and we like to make it simple for you.

When you place an order, you will be offered shipping options. Your order will be shipped through the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and it will usually ship within 24 to 48 hours unless we cannot ascertain a correct shipping address, in which case you will be notified and asked for more information.

Just in case please read our Returns Policy


Choices for U.S.A. Customers

$ Media Mail  (When You're Not in a Hurry)
Should arrive in 5-10 days, but we can't guarantee it. However, we've used Media Mail many years and find that most shipments arrive within 10 days.

$$ Priority Mail (When You'd Like it Quickly)
Should arrive within 2-3 business days. The USPS is pretty good at making good on this delivery promise.

$$$ Priority Express Mail  (When You'd Like it Pronto)
Should arrive within 1-2 business days, depending on what time you place the order. We will do our very best to get your order out the door as quickly as possible.

Choices for International Customers

$ First-Class (When You're Not in a Hurry)
We offer First-Class shipping to some countries. The USPS provides no time guarantees for First-Class and tracking is not provided. This is the riskiest option. We don't recommend this for more expensive purchases.

$$ Priority Mail International (When You'd Like it Quickly)
Should arrive within 6-10 business days. The USPS provides tracking while the package is still in the U.S.  Once it leaves the U.S., it transfers to the postal system in your country, which means we cannot track it after it leaves the U.S. However, based on our experience, this is a reliable shipping method.

$$$ Priority Express International  (When You'd Like it Pronto)
Should arrive within 3-5 business days. The USPS provides tracking while the package is still in the U.S.  Once it leaves the U.S., it transfers to the postal system in your country, which means we cannot track it after it leaves the U.S. This is typically a reliable shipping method.

Ordering in Bulk

We offer bulk discounts. Ask us here.

Shipping questions?