Calming Upset People with EAR


How Statements Showing Empathy, Attention, and Respect Can Quickly Defuse a Conflict

Bill Eddy, LCSW, JD

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Calming Upset People with EAR is in our Conflict Communication Series.


The level of stress and conflict in today’s world is higher than seen in decades. We all can use tools for managing the emotions this has caused.

At the same time, there also appear to be more “high conflict” people who are preoccupied with blaming others and verbally venting or attacking those around them.

Yet, these upset emotions and conflicts can often be calmed immediately through the use of a simple EAR Statement™, a method developed and refined by Bill Eddy over the past fifteen years and taught to hundreds of thousands of professionals and individuals.

Following on the success of his widely-known BIFF Response® method and books for written communication, this new book by Bill Eddy on EAR Statements for verbal communication will come in handy in all kinds of upset situations: family conflicts, workplace disputes, neighbor controversies, and any other setting. A simple statement communicating empathy, attention and/or respect to an angry, sad, mentally ill or any upset person at any time can work wonders in minutes. Yet it’s not as easy as it looks. It takes practice and this book gives over twenty examples of applying this method in families, communities, customer relations, workplace, political discussions, business, police encounters, racial conflicts, schools, mental health settings, and others.

Empathy, attention and respect are what all people are looking for, especially when upset or in a conflict. This book will give you the details of how to calm upset people with EAR every day.

The Author

Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq., is the co-founder and chief innovation officer of the High Conflict Institute in San Diego, California. He pioneered the High Conflict Personality Theory (HCP) and has become an expert on managing disputes involving people with high conflict personalities. He was the senior family mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center, a Certified Family Law Specialist lawyer representing clients in family court, and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker therapist. He serves on the faculty of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine University School of Law in California and is a Conjoint Associate Professor with the University of Newcastle Law School in Australia. He has been a speaker and trainer in over 30 U.S. states and 10 countries. He is the author or co-author of twenty books and has a popular blog on the Psychology Today website with over 5 million views.

Book Info

Publication Date: August 24, 2021
Pages: 142
Binding: Paperback
ISBN (print): 978-1950057207
ISBN (e-book): 978-1950057627
Author: Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.
Series: Conflict Communication Series